The Power Rangers are Back in Action With New Suits

It’s time to suit up! Entertainment Weekly debuted an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the POWER RANGERS and they are leaving their 90’s look behind for a sleek powerful tron meets alien vibe.

When the Power Rangers revival morphs into theaters, the five teenagers with attitude won’t be wearing the original series’ campy costumes to battle Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks picture below).

Instead, the new cast — singer Becky G as Yellow Ranger Trini, Ludi Lin as Black Ranger Zack, Dacre Montgomery as Red Ranger Jason, Naomi Scott as Pink Ranger Kimberly, and RJ Cyler as Blue Ranger Billy — will don translucent extraterrestrial armor that crystallizes around their bodies.


“It’s tricky finding a new language for a superhero costume,” production designer Andrew Menzies (G.I. Joe: Retaliation) admits. “Ours is an alien costume that grows on them, that’s not man-made. You can’t win everyone over, but we are trying to appeal to a more mature audience and gain new fans.” Fans like the Yellow Ranger herself. “It’s the coolest costume ever,” Becky G says. “I’m gonna wear it for Halloween for, like, five years.”

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