NYCC News Round-Up: DC Comics

I’ve always preferred DC over Marvel, and I’m back into reading their comics after “The New 52” fizzled and “Rebirth” gained momentum. Therefore, there was a lot of exciting news coming out of New York Comic Con for me last weekend.  Let’s not delay; let’s get right to it:

Doomsday Clock

The first six pages of the upcoming event written by Geoff Johns that brings Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen into the DC Universe were available in an ashcan edition and, subsequently, online.  You’re either excited or infuriated by this (I’m excited), but in either case you can see them here.

Action Comics

In March, 2018, DC will publish several special titles to honor Action Comics #1000, the longest running and first ever superhero comic to reach a thousand issues. These titles include:

Action Comics #1000. Written by Pete Tomasi and Dan Jurgens, this will be a special, oversized edition featuring an all-star talent line-up writing back-up stories, including a story co-written by Geoff Johns and Superman film director, Richard Donner.

Hardcover Book. Revisit classic stories from over the decades featuring the debuts of Superman, Supergirl, Brainiac, the Fortress of Solitude, the Human Target and so much more. Read Superman stories by generations of top writers and artists and enjoy sparkling essays from literary wizards who’ve won Pulitzers and become bestsellers, including Jules Feiffer. Plus a historical essay by guest editor Paul Levitz, and all 1000 ACTION covers collected in a new poster.  And as a bonus, an unpublished 1940s Superman tale believed to be by Jerry Siegel and the Joe Shuster studio salvaged from the DC files fifty years ago and hidden away until now.

Bad News for Scott Snyder Fans

Scott Snyder will be leaving Batman behind “for a long time” after he writes one more story. Snyder will team with Sean Murphy (currently writing and drawing Batman: White Knight where Joker is cured and a hero) for Batman: The Last Night, capping his run on various Batman titles.

“It’ll be my last Batman story… for a while,” Snyder said while announcing the series. It takes place “about 20-25 years in the future” and it stars Damian Wayne as Batman. “He has this dream where he is saying, ‘yes father, I will become the Bat,’ then he wakes up in a hole in a ruined Gotham City. He doesn’t remember anything, and sees all this destruction, then a voice says ‘Hey kid, you gotta move.'”

Good News for Conner Kent Fans

In the current Detective Comics story, James Tynion IV has been restoring Tim Drake to his old glory, with his origin from pre-New 52.  At NYCC, he said that one relationship of Tim’s is next.

“One of the questions people have had since we started focusing on Tim Drake is, ‘where is Conner Kent?'” Tynion said at the panel. “That question will be asked in the next issue of Detective Comics!” he teased to a lot of applause.

New Age of DC Heroes

From what I gather, this is an initiative spinning out of the current Metal event, with a new lineup of titles including The Terrifics, The Immortal Men, Damage, The Silencer and Sideways.  Gatefold covers were revealed for these five series at NYCC, and two other projectes were announced: The Curse of Brimstone from Justin Jordan and The Unexpected from Steve Orlando.

Earth M

Jim Lee (DC Publisher), Reginald Hudlin (writer/producer/director) and Denys Cowan (co-founder and artist of Milestone) announced the return of the Dakota Universe in a new imprint called, “Earth M.” Familiar characters such Static Shock, Icon and Rocket, as well as new characters, will debut in 2018 in a series of different titles under the Earth M imprint.

Also, Robert Kirkman showed a first look at his upcoming AMC documentary featuring the creation and history of Milestone Media. It’s part of a six-part series called AMC Visionaries: Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics that debuts on November 12.

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