Halloween is a holiday where people dress up like other people, under the guise of praise or receiving candy. So, it makes total sense that a movie where Danny DeVito dresses up like The Rock (kinda) would release a new trailer today. That’s right, there’s more Jumanji: The Next Level here to delight or terrify you. Looking at the box office report for the 1st film, it’s likely the former! See for yourself!
In case that trailer made no sense (that’s largely on purpose) here is your tried and true official game manual- I mean synopsis:
“In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to Jumanji to rescue one of their own, they discover that nothing is as they expect. The players will have to brave parts unknown and unexplored, from the arid deserts to the snowy mountains, in order to escape the world’s most dangerous game.”
Even if the story is a mess and characters are just giant nothing slabs of bland, it doesn’t matter one bit. People are seeing this movie for Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart hamming it up. Even more so now that they’re channeling Devito and Danny Glover. It’s basically a semi-decent SNL joke with a budget. Again, the original was a massive success, so it stands to reason this will do the same.
What did you all think of the trailer? Did it tickle your funny bone or would you rather see more of the adventure side of things? Do you prefer the last Jumanji film or the original outing with Robin Williams? Tell us what you really think in the comments. Jumani: The Next Level
boots up in theaters on December 13th. Which means, if you wait a week, you’ll be able to sneak way from your family seeing Cats
, to view this instead. That’s probably the safer bet, too.