Game Of Thrones: First Look at The Mountain Unmasked

Game of Thrones had an explosive season finale that included a number of shocking moments. But one thing still left to the imagination is the face of a monster. The face of pure evil. The face of… Franken-Mountain!

We never get get a clear shot of The Mountain’s face under that gold dome of his. It looks like we may not have to wait until next season to get a clear glimpse at Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson. The strongman that can pull out spines and crush heads in like a grape showed us his head that looks like a pimply Freddy Krueger inspired monster. Björnsson revealed a behind-the-scenes photo to Twitter that shows The Mountain’s un-dead face without his helmet on.

We do get a quick peek shrouded in darkness during season 6 after Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) left Gregor to torture Septa Unella as revenge for how Unella treated Cersei while she was held captive at the Great Sept of Baelor. However, the behind-the-scenes photo provided by Björnsson offers a much clearer look at The Mountain.

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The franken-mountain was resurrected by maester Qyburn. Since then, he has been a member of the Kingsguard, but remained fully armored at all times up until the Season 6 finale. Revealing Gregor’s face is a departure from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels.

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