Loki & Scarlet Witch Coming to Disney’s Streaming Service

Image Courtesy of Marvel Studios/Disney

The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. The great streaming wars has added another competitor. This can only end one of two ways. Either one service reigns supreme or we all spend $10 a month for content 20 times over and long for the cheaper days of a cable plan.

Disney has announced that they will look to make both a Loki and Scarlet Witch television show for their new streaming platform. These shows will serve as flagships for service when it launches in 2019. The craziest detail? Disney thinks they can get Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olson back to reprise their roles from the films. The series will apparently run for 6-8 episodes a season. This automatically makes them better than most Netflix shows. Loki & Scarlet Witch will also have have larger budget than most television shows because this is Disney and money is no object.

Image Courtesy of Marvel Studios/Disney

If Disney can pull this off it will send a message that they are a true threat in the streaming space. Netflix and Amazon may have bought some sizable IP’s and taken over the Emmy’s. But Disney is threatening to take big characters from massive movie franchises that are still ongoing and give them television shows. That’s something Netflix, Hulu & Amazon will have a hard time competing with.

Would you tune in to watch a Loki or Scarlet Witch Show? Will Disney ever stop or do they want all the money? let us know in the comments and be sure to checkout our homepage and follow us on Facebook & Twitter.  Always check back with Boom Howdy for more up-to-date news, reviews & podcasts!

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