Lady Gaga Fans are Trolling ‘Venom’ on Twitter Because This is 2018

Image Courtesy of Sony

Slow news day means weird news day. There are two major motion pictures set to open this weekend. One is Sony’s ‘Venom’ starring Tom Hardy. The other is latest adaptation of ‘A Star is Born’ starring Bradley Cooper and “Mother Monster” Lady Gaga. We’ve heard nothing but rave reviews for the Oscar contender since it premiered last month. Yesterday we got first reactions from the ‘Venom’ world premiere. The response was mixed.

However, this afternoon word regarding ‘Venom’ took a notably negative turn. To add more curiosity to this many of the negative reviews seemed to suggest that they’d be seeing #AStarIsBorn this weekend instead of ‘Venom’. Twitter detectives did more research because this is what we do in the most advanced time in human history and discovered that Gaga’s “Little Monsters” are acting as bots and attempting to dwindle the box office for Sony’s big new movie. The tweets are all ridiculous. My favorite is one that accuses ‘Venom’ of espousing liberal nonsense and LGBTQ+ values and encouraging everyone to see Lady Gaga’s new movie instead. Game respect game and that’s just good wholesome trolling.

Warner Brothers

There is an inherent danger to trolling some comic book fans though. This danger comes from their lack of humor. They were raised to believe colors and joy in comic books are bad things. It’s not their fault. Some of those people aren’t taking too kindly to someone suggesting that a PG-13 ‘Venom’ movie that advertised itself with lines like “turd in the wind” could possibly be anything but great. There’s also been a kind of side conspiracy developing of Lady Gaga fans blaming DC fans for trying to tank a new Marvel movie and also ruining Lady Gaga’s good name in the process. If you’ve lost the plot in all this; don’t worry you’re not alone.

Most of this seems like harmless, trolling Stan twitter stuff. I could be alone but I like Meme’s, Gifs and good-natured joking on twitter. I think most people have to see it that way as well. Honestly, unless you’re Jack Paramount or Joe Sony, the box office of these movies really shouldn’t matter to you. Let’s all try to remember that Twitter isn’t the real world not take silly things so seriously.

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