Behold! These ‘King Of The Monsters’ Character Posters Want All Your Money

king of the monsters
Image Courtesy of Legendary Entertainment

Did you think the amazing Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer we got Monday was going to be all we got concerning the movie this week? Well, think again, as the marketing department behind the new film wants to knock you out of your chair, flat onto your keister. Think we’re kidding? Then you’d better take a look at what popped up on Twitter, shortly before we posted this story.

These are, without a doubt, absolutely stunning. It’s common for a big movie to put out character posters, to show off the stars, but this is something else. Seriously, these are so good you should expect to see them for sale online soon. Let’s take a closer look here.

King of the monsters
© Legendary Entertainment

That’s tri-headed Ghidorah. Otherwise known as the big bad of the picture, as evidenced by the epic rumble brewing at the end of the latest trailer.

King of the monsters
© Legendary Entertainment

Rodan is an interesting inclusion here. Mostly because it had its own standalone film before getting roped into the Godzilla franchise. A fact is shares with our next giant (but lovable) monster.

King of the monsters
© Legendary Entertainment

All hail Mothra! Now, if you’re one of the uninitiated, you might be laughing right now. Mothra certainly doesn’t approve of that action. She is a magestic, highly intelligent catepillar and largely portrayed as a hero. She also is often accompanied by two small humans (usually twins) through which she conveys her thoughts and feelings.

That’s it really, no new information to speak of on the film front. Not that you really need it when you have those awesome posters to gaze at for hours and hours. Should something else equally as cool pop up any time soon, we’ll update this story accordingly.

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