Idris Elba Is Packing Some Serious Gear In This ‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Photo

Hobbs & Shaw
Image Courtesy of Universal Studios

Has there ever been a spin-off that threatened to be more popular than the main property, even before release? Because it feels like we’re dangerously close, if not past that point with the Fast and Furious off shoot, Hobbs & Shaw. If anything yesterday’s reveal was just one more step in that direction. Being the craziest PR man in Hollywood, whose job that actually isn’t, Dwayne Johnson went out of his way to share the following on Instagram.


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I learned a long time ago (when I was a very sinful eyebrow raising villainous man in the crazy world of pro wrestling;) that heroes are only as great as their greatest villains. A pleasure to introduce the man himself @idriselba we brought in to our Fast & Furious franchise to wreak havoc, hell and mayhem on our heroes HOBBS & SHAW. The name: BRIXTON. The record: UNDEFEATED. The promise: SHOWDOWN OF ALL SHOWDOWNS. So cool having my brother @idriselba come and play in our sandbox. This one’s been years in the making!! As I always say, we either gonna get along or we gonna get it on… and fuck getting along 😈 #BRIXTON #TheConsequenceAgent #HellRaiser HOBBS & SHAW SUMMER 2019 📸 @hhgarcia41

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Yep, that’s Idris Elba looking like he just stepped out of the latest Call Of Duty game. Back in July, it was announced he’d be joining the film as the villain and this is our first concrete information on him. We now know his name is Brixton and he’s apparently undefeated. Whatever that means. The most interesting piece of info, comes in the form of a hashtag. At the bottom it says “#TheConsequenceAgent”. While that could mean anything, putting on our speculation caps for a moment, it could signify that Brixton is hunting Hobbs & Shaw down. Or at least Hobbs, given that he was a company man. This is an avenue that’s been gone down before, but things feel darker here. That armor, for one, signifies this guy isn’t messing around.

It’s kind of crazy to think about how much excitement this is generating and we haven’t seen any footage yet. Just the photos Johson sees fit to get fans riled up. Mission accomplished. While no plot details are known yet, we know that an uneasy alliance between the former enemies, turned “family” members, to stay alive. No word on if any F&F alum will make cameos, though hopefully that can squeeze Helen Mirren in.

How do you all feel about these photo shenanigans? Do you like the teases Johnson is doling out? Or do you crave something more substantial? Does Idris Elba look like an absolute badass to you? Take time to ponder your answers, as Hobbs & Shaw doesn’t get released until August 2nd, 2019.


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