HBO Releases A First Look For ‘My Dinner With Hervé’

My Dinner With Hervé
HBO Films

Continuing short teasers masquerading as trailers day, HBO has released a quick its upcoming My Dinner With Hervé. When I say quick, I mean it. This is only about 30 seconds long. You can spare that, I hope. Take a gander below.

See. Simple, succinct and it’s over. At the same time, it looks very intriguing. Hervé Villechaize is an interesting and tragic figure. While most readily know him from Fantasy Island, they may not know he took his life at age 50. Dinklage take on the lead role and if this is anything like the rest of his work, we know he’ll be captivating. Yet filling the dulcet tones of one Richardo Montalban is none other than Andy Garcia. Oh and Jaime Dornan is there too, hoping people will leave him alone about 50 Shades of Grey soon.

The best aspect about this film, is that it’s been a passion project of Dinklage and writer/director Sacha Gervasi. Back in 2012, Dinklage mentioned in an interview that he and Gervasi had been working close on a script.  Gervasi’s connection to the material goes deeper. Shortly before Villechaize took his own life, Gervasi, a journalist at the time, did an interview with him. It was until later that he realized Villechaize was essentially leaving behind a suicide note.

There’s no telling exactly what the film will focus on, outside obviously the interview, but you can guarantee we’ll be glued to the TV when My Dinner With Hervé premieres exclusively on HBO, October 20th.

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