If you’ve been twiddling your thumbs for months, anxiously awaiting the return of Game of Thrones, things are still a ways off. Yet, now at least you can have a specific month to focus on. April. Of 2020 (there’s always got to be a catch). That’s when the final season will have its premiere. It’ll be a day filled with many feasts and celebrations around the globe, one which will likely lead to much arguing once it ends, but hey, at least there’s new Game of Thrones to talk about. HBO is so excited about this landmark event, that they put together a special teaser today.
There’s really no new footage to be gleaned there, but hey, it’s Game of Thrones and the world likes getting into a frenzy over the program. You can’t really fault them, as it’s hard to think of another show recently that’s captured the world’s attention, the same way. Ok, sure Westworld, maybe. Outlander, we’ll give you that. The difference is that Game of Throne
s did it first. Launching the careers of many of it’s cast members in the process. Most of which aren’t likely to see the end of the series come to pass.
Of course, we want to know what you think about all this. Are you big fans of the goings on in Westros and the surrounding continents? Are you sad that the A Song of Ice and Fire saga is almost at an end? Who do you hope prevails and claims the Iron Throne? Do you think the show desperately needs more dragon footage? Argue to your heart’s content in the comments. There’s much to be discussed and theorized. You’ll have plenty of time too, since Season 8 won’t premiere for another 505 days or so.