The Final ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Trailer Is Here & It Is Glorious

Westworld Season 3
Image Courtesy of HBO

The song of fire of ice may have played it’s last tune (for now), but the age of robots is still going on. That’s right, in case you forgot, there’s a new season of Westworld on the way. It’s ok if you did, as it seems like forever ago we first got a peek at season 3. Aaron Paul, giant futuristic city and Marshawn Lynch kind of leave a very particular impression. Now, with less than a month from the new premiere, comes a mega sized trailer.

Are you sufficiently amped? Do you like piano-led Guns N’ Roses covers? Then you might want to view this, right now.

As someone who is hit or miss on Westworld (I don’t have HBO!) this trailer has my full attention. Growing the scope of the world at play, while deepening the battle lines and philosophical questions is a solid choice. Without a major time slotted show to shield it, it’ll be interesting to see what the numbers are, for season 3. Not that it isn’t a popular show, but with it often being uttered in the same breath as that show with the dragons, it’s on point.

Regardless where youay have fallen in the past Westworld looks like it’s going to weave a crazy tale. Something you’d expect out of any tentpole HBO show. Are you planning on tuning in? Is there another show that you think is better than this?  Has anyone checked out Avenue 5 yet? Answer these questions and more in the comments. Be sure to check out the season 3 premiere of Westworld, only on HBO, on March 15.

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