Fassbender & Schwarzenegger Attached to ‘Kung Fury’ Feature

Laser Unicorns

News broke that Oscar-nominated actor Michael Fassbender had been added to the cast of the new Kung Fury feature and all seemed right in the world.

Fast forward a few days and we get another HUGE announcement in that the Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has been added to the cast as well.

In a short film that already was an over-the-top loving homage to 80’s films, why not add the biggest box office action star of the decade as the proverbial cherry on top to your feature?

In the comically cheesy 2015 short, director David Sandberg gave us martial arts, gunfire, and the ‘greatest damn cop of all time.’

Set in 1985, Miami is under the watchful eye and protection of Kung Fury and the Thundercops, a police force curated from across history to fight the evils of Kung Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. After one of their own is killed, a new threat emerges to aid in the Fuhrer’s attempt at possessing the ultimate weapon.

Let us know what you think! Did you enjoy Kung Fury as a short? Will it work as a feature?

Don’t forget to follow BoomHowdy on Twitter for all your Kung Furiest of news!


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