E3 2018: EA’s Next Big Game ‘Anthem’ Gets A New Trailer, Gameplay Footage & Details Revealed

Electronic Arts/BioWare

If you’re a video game nut, then this weekend is HUGE for you. But you knew that already. You’ve been scrolling the internet for hours soaking up any and all rumors or leaks possible. If you’re a casual gamer, then there’s a chance you’re just wanting the juiciest morsels about the biggest games being released soon. Which means you came to the right place. Just a little bit ago EA helped kick off E3 with their EA PLAY press conference. While a lot was covered (some of which you can also find here on the site), most people tuned in specifically for ANTHEM.

The upcoming giant massive game from EA and Bioware took over the final part of the show with a Q&A, as well as some new gameplay footage. To get everyone’s appetite going, they first dropped this new trailer:



That looks….colorful and full of possibility, while hinting at a rather big world. It get’s the blood pumping, sure, but yes, still not gameplay.

After the trailer finished, several devs came out to discuss a few aspects of the game they were important to hit upon. There was continual reference to a “living world”. One that progresses and adapts in real time. This won’t necessarily be a full MMO, as BioWare has plans to “add game and story content for years to come”.  Addressing the elephant within the game industry, Mark Darrah said directly “while you can pay for customizations. There are no lootboxes. You’ll know ahead of time what it is you purchasing”. He then followed up with the more important takeaway “there is no ability to pay for power.” The custimizations that were shown in a quick video ranged from the most basic of skins, to tie-in with other EA properties.

Rounding things out was a 4 minutre gameplay demo, which you can easily see below:



Now, if you ask me (which you did, because you didn’t leave after the video), not enough has been shown yet to fully sell me on Anthem. The mechanics look solid and BioWare has done enough in the past for them to at least have my attention…..but this feels very samesy. In a world where Warframe and Destiny have a huge install base, it will take something truly special to make this one a major hit. Of course, the game proper doesn’t come out until Februrary 21st of 2019, so there’s plenty of time (as well as other industry events) for things to rise to a fever pitch.

What do you all think? Are you gnashing at the bit to pilot your very own Iron Man-esque armor? Does the ever evolving world entice you? Sound of in the comments below and make sure to stay tuned for further E3 news as it becomes available! Game on!


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