E.L. James’ ‘The Mister’ Has Been Optioned By Universal

Image Courtesy of Universal Pictures

In the movie world there’s an old adage that says “if you film makes enough money, it’ll get a sequel”. A lesser known, but equally as true one goes “if you make a studio enough money, they’ll continue to make movies with you. Even if no one is clamoring for it.” By that logic, the news that 50 Shades Of Grey author E.L. James, has had another novel over hers, The Mister, optioned to transition to the big screen by Universal, totally makes sense.

Variety broke the news earlier today, stating there was a bidding war over the rights to the book. Like she did in the 50 Shades trilogy, James will produce the film. For Universal to pony up the catch was likely done without hesitation. If you need a reminder, that other film series made over 1.2 billion dollars worldwide. Couple that with The Mister‘s 9 weeks on the bestsellers list, this was mere penny for the mega studio.

As for plot itself? Having not read the book, I’m trusting the super short, super concise words of Variety (who must be right):

“[The Mister] tells the story of a wealthy British aristocrat who falls in love with his Albanian housekeeper, unaware that she is on the run from human traffickers.”

That’s…certainly a story. I’m guessing there’s a steaminess that being left out of the description. That’s how they move these books, right? If you’ve read the book, please let us know in the comments if it’s any good? Or worth our time? Or better than 50 Shades? Everyone at the site is eagerly awaiting more info. On the book.

With a home set up, expect The Mister to be fast tracked. The novel was released in 2019 and they’re clearly striking when the iron is how. Once there’s a shred of info on casting or directing, an update will follow. Now we’ll just see how long it takes for them to find a screenwriter or if this is the time James assigned herself that task.

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