Duncan Jones Teases A ‘Rogue Trooper’ Film Adaptation On Twitter

Rogue Trooper
2000 A.D./Rebellion Developments

With the 24 hour news cycle an everyday part of people’s lives, general movie news can seem overwhelming. The second a production is underway, set photos liter every corner of the internet. That’s not to take into account official info doled out in the form of costume reveals, teaser posters, or teaser trailers. Heck, in some cases, even the teaser trailers have teasers! So. it comes as a pleasant surprise when the talent behind a potential film that hasn’t even started production, is teased by its director. Such is exciting the case concerning Duncan Jones (Moon).

Over the last four day, the son of the late David Bowie took not one, but two opportunities to lay out clues as to what his next feature would be.

On Sunday, he then took things even further, with a cryptic short video:

It didn’t take long for online detectives to put the pieces together and suss out what it meant: Rogue Trooper. Thanks in part to Jones referencing 2000 AD comics, 2014’s Judge Dredd film and sporting a distinctive mohawk, the answer didn’t seem too outlandish. What’s most interesting though is Jones tease of “one for them, or one for me?”, citing the director’s ability to switch between commercial and indie projects. Leading more than a few to believe this may be a small film, in scale, than the last few he tackled.

For those not versed on the property, Rogue Trooper is a comic series initially created in the 80’s by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons. Rogue, is a blue-skinned genetically enhanced super soldier, able to withstand most toxins and acids. His original run followed as he and three comrades set out in search of Traitor General. The backdrop takes place as a war of attrition wages on the surface of Nu-Earth, between the Norts and Southers, with many allusions being made to the American Civil War, as well as World War 1. It’s action packed, rather violent and trippy, but wrapped up in a compelling package.

While there aren’t any specifics known beyond Jones involvement, the film is likely to generate a lot of attention over the next several months. Though his last couple films, Mute and Warcraft, failed to make a huge dent, Jones is nonetheless a captivating director. Specifically in his willing to make take several risks on large budgeted projects. For that reason alone, Rogue Trooper is something we’re immediately putting at the top of our “must watch” list, whenever it eventually gets released. Be sure to stay tuned here or Duncan Jones Twitter feed, as this story continues to develop.

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