Disney+ Is Gearing Up A Special ‘Star Wars’ Treat For Members, On May The Fourth

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Credit: Lucasfilm/ Disney

Depending on the state or city you live in, there may be signs of life or chance in the horizon. A chance that some normalcy will start creeping in, soon. For most though, there’s a couple more weeks, stuck inside, without much to do. Being the opportunists that they are, the fine folks at Disney see an excuse to celebrate a silly little holiday, while giving some Star Wars shaped goodness, to the people. If you should happen to have Disney+, that is.

Should you be one of the multitude that aren’t sure what day it is, next Monday is the 4th of May. More commonly known as “May the 4th”. Which, according to the world (circa 2011) is Star Wars Day. In accordance with people being under stay-at-home orders, Disney+ is getting a special treat that day: The Rise of Skywalker. Not only will subscribers be graced by the latest chapter on the platform, but it will be in both HD and 4K quality. Better yet, this means they’ll have access to all 11 major Star Wars films, under one banner. Alternatively, if you are someone who prefers to “own” a film, in your collection, every and all digital providers have each chapter Star Wars saga on sale (including 4K) for only $10, from April 28 – May 4.

Now, we could easily nitpick that some of the films available on Disney+ are the “special special editions”. Those with even more tinkering than the last special editions. Ones with still more tinkering than the previous editions. Yet, as this will delight a number of people, we’ll just remain excited that most of the world’s plans for the 4th of May are set in stone. Which naturally leads to us asking if *you* plan to marathon them all? What’s your favorite Star Wars film? Share with us in the comments. You have until next week, when The Rise of Skywalker drops onto Disney+, to make up your mind. As for us, we’ll use this time taking bets on when The Ewok Adventure flicks will finally make it to digital, too.

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