The Director of ‘Hereditary’ Has A New Horror Film Landing Next Summer

Ari Aster
Image Courtesy of A24

Here’s a quick simple question: have you seen Hereditary yet? If not, you need to rectify that immediately. As in now. We’ll wait. Here at Boom Howdy we are big fans of the film, as evidenced here, here, here, oh and here as well. So, any film that director Ari Aster was going to follow up with, would be our most anticipated film of whatever year it would come out. Turns out, according to /Film, A24 has revealed we won’t have to wait very long. As in next summer, to be exact.

The new feature, which has been referred to a few places as “Midsommar”, will be released on August 9th, 2019. Ari Aster describes the film as part “Scandinavian folk horror” and “apocalyptic breakup movie”. No clue as to what that could mean, but boy, it sounds like it will be a doozy. In this director’s hands anything can be rendered terrifying.

While details are few, concerning the plot, Aster has a brief synopsis slip:

“a couple travels to Sweden to visit their friend’s rural hometown for it’s fabled mid-summer festival. what begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.”

See, everything sounds hunky-dory and not the slightest bit worrisome. Jack Reynor (Sing Street) and Florence Pugh (Lady McBeth) are set in the parts of the couple. Will Poulter (Detroit) has also been cast, most likely as their friend. However it turns out, we can guess that not everyone will walk away from things unscathed.

While Aster only made his directorial debut with Hereditary, it’s hard to think of another film that’s made the kind of impact it has, at the level it was made. Sure there may have been more traditional Hollywood, big money efforts, but this is a different beast. The fact that A24 is once again handling his next feature, is a great sign. Their track record is something to be in awe of. You don’t have to love every film, but you can’t deny the impact they’re having on the film landscape.

What do you think? Have you finally seen Hereditary in the time since you started this article? Are you excited to see what Aster has up his sleeve next? Do you readily go see every A24 film, or are you not a fan of their output? Tell us, we really would like to hear. Otherwise, we’ll go back to twiddling our thumbs, frantically awaiting the eventual trailer to “Midsommar” or whatever is is inevitably called.

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