Heart and Humor on Display in the New Trailer for Disney’s ‘Christopher Robin’

Christopher Robin
Photo Credit: Walt Disney

Winnie The Pooh fans around the world were given the opportunity to rejoice over the newest Christopher Robin trailer was dropped. Christopher Robin, the live action remake of the Disney animated classic series sparked a lot of controversy after it’s initial announcement several months back. Speculation and gossip around the internet pegged this movie to go one of two ways, it could either be a cheap rip off of the movie Ted. Or it could be a fun heart felt movie, after watching the newest trailer, I’d have to say it’s the later.

Winnie The Pooh is one of the most beloved animated bears to exist, so it was no surprise that this bear was given his own film. I can remember growing up watching the cartoon and holiday specials. So my desire for this animated film was to bring back the nostalgic childhood like feelings I had from watching the animated series, the trailer of Christopher Robin delivered exactly that. When I was watching the trailer, I saw the tone that this movie carried. It clearly shows the excitement Christopher Robin has from reuniting with his old friends. Isn’t that something we all want. It felt like I was doing the same. Getting to see these characters from a different perspective is going to be very exciting, the animation of these characters seems to be a perfect choice.

We see all of these characters as Christopher Robin sees them, as smaller and more faded but still very lively and full of excitement. From what we’ve been exposed to the voice acting in this film is top notch. They matched the original voices almost exactly which just adds to the magic of getting to relive your childhood memories. The whole point of remaking a film or rebooting a series is to add or expand on the source material. Christopher Robin seems to be a film that can achieve that goal. Christopher Robin is scheduled to hit theaters August 3.


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