Artemis Fowl Get Plucked By Disney From Theatrical Release, Will Premiere On Disney+ Instead

Image Courtesy of Walt Disney Motion Pictures

The most interesting thing about the entertainment industry, at this point, is that something unexpected happens every few days. Whenever there seems to be a lull, something’s in the works. Before, it would merely be a slow news day. Now, well each announcement seems unprecedented or semi-shocking. Which of course, bring us to the strange case of Artemis Fowl.

If you need a refresher on what Artemis Fowl looks like, here’s the official trailer, to remind you:

What you also might remember, is the backlash that followed, after that trailer hit the internet. Fans of the Yong Adult series (there are 8 books), originally written by author Eoin Colfer, were up in arms. Mostly due to the fact that the film’s plot seems mostly removed from that of the book. Then there’s the fact that the footage literally feels like a hodgepodge of other YA adaptations & big budget sci-fi films. Add in the fact that the movie has been in the works, since the original book’s release in 2001 and you start to worry a bit.

With that monkey in its shoulder and studios not wanting to gamble in 2020, Disney has made the most obvious choice. It’s taking the Kenneth Branagh directed Artemis Fowl away from theatrical release and depositing it onto Disney+. By and far a smart decision. It shakes up the status quo by taking potential loses, dumping it there. At the same time, the “quality” of film, making it’s debut on the service, will be heads and tails above the other offerings. Should it prove to be not as bad a film as people imagined? Well, that’ll be icing on the cake.

As many movies move to 2021 or made the leap to VOD all eyes are on Disney. Which is how they’d want things. If the decision to release Artemis Fowl ends up going over well or moving a bunch of new subscribers, who knows. It could lead to studios teaming up with other streaming platforms, to replicate a preceived success. For now we’ll just have to wait and see, as Artemis Fowl, those glad it has a new home, doesn’t have a planned release date. More on this one, as it develops.

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