This ‘Anna and The Apocalypse’ Clip Is Here To Brighten Your Weekend

Anna And The Apocalypse
Image Courtesy of Orion Pictures

If you’ve been following along in the year since our review was posted from the world premiere (is it really a year already?), then you’re well aware how excited we are for Anna and the Apocalypse. Now that it’s about a month-ish until release, the news front is picking up a head of steam. Today’s bit, may just be the best yet.

Listen, we’re not gonna waste any more of your time, take a look at this clip. And crank the volume up loud, while you’re at it.

First thing’s first, no, the lyric subtitles you see crashing across the screen are not part of the theatrical movie. Although, the savvy businessman trapped deep within my brain would guess this could be a feature explored for eventual midnight screenings. This thing is going to be a cult classic.

As for the footage itself, this is the first song that crops up in the film. It may not feature the copious amounts of blood that spill later on, but it’s chalk full of character set-ups and a catch melody. Some would say those things are equally important. What it does best is illustrate an element highlighted in the trailer and most reviews. Anna and the Apocalypse basically plays like High School Musical or La La Land meets Shaun of the Dead. For a more specific crowd, it’s Buffy’s “Once More With Feeling“….on crack.

A couple fun little tidbits to enhance the viewing (not that it’s needed). The forlorn bearded man is Paul Kaye, known to most as Thoros of Myr, from Game of Thrones. He absolutely steals every scene he’s in, which is almost difficult to do, given how great everyone else is. Also of note is Sarah Swire, unseen here. She not only plays Steph in the film, but also serves as the film’s choreographer. Since that’s one of the standouts above, seemed like a good place to mention it.

This is the home stretch now, so just bare with us a little bit longer. Anna and the Apocalypse is set to open up limited in the US on November 30th. So, that’s usually only New York, LA, Seattle, and Chicago. The plan from there is to slowly open it up in more cities, but there is word that some one off showings may be happening earlier. Should that come to fruition, we’ll have an update on here immediately. Until then, watch the above clip (as well as the trailer) or the video below of the cast performing at last year’s Fantastic Fest, on repeat. The wait is almost over.


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