10 Tips and Tricks For The Best Pokémon GO Hunt

Find Wild Pokémon Easier

Having trouble finding wild Pokers? Well lemme help you out.

There is an icon in the bottom right corner that will help you find wild Pokémon. The silhouette lets you know there are Pokémon you have not caught yet. The paw prints indicate the distance.

Three paw prints means they’re far away, while one paw print means they’re just a short walk from you.

Don’t Waste Your Balls – Tap & Hold

To catch Pokémon properly without wasting Poké Balls, make sure you tap and hold. As demonstrated above.

Doing so will bring up a green circle around the target Pokémon. That circle will change in size; swipe when the circle is smaller to get a better chance at a capture.

You can also get extra XP if your timing is just right.


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