It’s Official: You Have 7 Days to Kill Gary Busey

Busey official debuts in Hitman is at 5 AM PT / 8 AM ET, as part of a mission titled “The Wildcard.” The contract will be available at The Elusive Target tile in the game’s Featured Hub.

killbusey_02As it was with all previous Elusive Targets, you have to kill Busey within the allotted time limit or you’ll never have another chance. There are general rewards for completing Elusive Targets, but Square Enix has yet to state if there will be anything special for the Busey contract.

Are you looking forward to claiming your Busey Trophy, thus fulfilling the prophecy?  Who do you think should be the next Elusive Target?  Let us know in the comments section below.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Twitter and check back with Boom Howdy for more up-to-date news, reviews & podcasts.

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