Let’s Rank the 30 Games on Nintendo’s Mini NES System!

Nintendo revealed that the NES–which was originally released in the 1980s–is returning to stores. Fresh off the heels of the insanely popular Pokemon App release, which saw the company’s worth soar $11 billion in a week, they are releasing a mini version of the console that started it all. (BTW – I wrote a great tips and tricks guide to Pokémon GO. Find that here.)

The NES Classic Edition finally hit stores on November 11th with 30 bundled games. The system runs about $60 and plugs directly into your TV using an included HDMI cable – but also comes with an AC adapter. Of course opportunist immediately bought up all the systems and jacked up the prices on eBay.

You can also hit check points in the game that allow players to pick up where they left off. No more leaving your system on for hours or days at a time to beat a game.

Also included in the package is one NES controller, featuring a design modeled after the original NES pad. Some games support two players, and Nintendo will sell extra controllers for $10. Additionally, Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro controllers can be used.

“We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo’s original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place,” Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said in a statement. “

So what games come with the console? In total there will be 30!

With all this nostalgia goodness wrapped up into one system for $60 we had to rank our favorite games!

#30. Balloon Fight

I’m not sure why Nintendo decided to include this one. It’s a button mashing game, and a bad one at that. I doubt I’ll even try this one out.

But seriously Nintendo… this and no Contra? Come on…


#29. Bubble Bobble

I know, I know. A lot of people LOVE this game. But popping bubbles just doesn’t do it for me.


#28. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream

What? Punch-Out is at the bottom of the list? Yes. First, this is all about pattern recognition, so it can definitely be monotonous. I don’t like games that I lose because my fingers just give out.

Also, Mr. Dream? No Mike Tyson?! Come on Nintendo!


#27. Dr. Mario

It’s Tetris with pills. Basically, it was a clear money grab by Nintendo when it was released.



#26. Castlevania

I’ve never been a fan of the Castlevania. The gameplay always felt boring to me. I know people love it, but I won’t be playing this very much when I get the mini NES.

And I WILL be getting it. 🙂


#25. Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest

I’m only ranking this higher because I didn’t play it as much as the original because I didn’t own it. So I’ll likely play it more than the first. Sorry Castlevania fans.

Hate me now.


#24. Donkey Kong

I LOVE Donkey Kong, but the NES version of it just didn’t play right.

Long story short, this one is best as a standup experience.



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