Nothing’s Strange About Netflix’s Top-Ranking Shows

6.) The Ranch

the-ranch-netflix-image-4Adult viewers, age 18-29, within first 35 days: 6.01 million

Rotten Tomatoes average rating = 56%

This comedy is about two brothers (Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson) trying to run the Iron River Ranch in Colorado.

5.) Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Season 2)

unbreakable_kimmy_schmidt_a_lAdult viewers, age 18-29, within first 35 days: 6.08 million

Rotten Tomatoes average rating = 97%

The comedy follows 29-year old Kimmy Schmidt (Elle Kemper) as she adjusts to life in New York after her rescue from a doomsday cult in Indiana, where she was held captive for 15 years.


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