What to Expect From Netflix’s ‘Punisher’ Series

Violence Abounds 

netpun_03If there’s one thing we’re expecting going into the Punisher Netflix series, it’s bloodshed. Netflix and Marvel have made it more than clear that they aren’t afraid to let the Punisher unleash “justice” upon criminals in the most violent of ways and in the greatest of numbers. Netflix is in the unique position of being worry-free when it comes to TV censorship and restrictions, so we’re sure to see all kinds of over-the-top carnage.

Marvel’s Hoarder

netpun_04If the show follows Frank’s “acquisition habits” from the comics, we’re going to see quite the collection of weaponry.  He’s gotten a hold of anything from Green Goblin’s glider, Hawkeye’s bow & quiver, pieces of Iron Man’s armor, Dr. Octopus’s tentacles,  and even Captain America’s shield.

With the war chest he recently “inherited” from the Blacksmith, we’d say he’s off to a good start and look forward to seeing what other toys he’ll be adding to his collection.


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