Patrick Stewart to Play Captain Picard Again in New ‘Star Trek’ Series

Star Trek
Paramount Television

Huge news from the final frontier this weekend. The hopes and prayers of Star Trek fans the world over were answered and CBS finally figured out how to get $5.99 a month from me. It was announced at Las Vegas Trek convention that Sir Patrick Stewart will once again be stepping into the shoes of his most iconic role, Jean-Luc Picard, in a new series from CBS All Access.

The possibility of this reprisal has been rumored for a while

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and it’s great news to see these rumors come to fruition. The series will begin be overseen by Alex Kurtzman, also the show runner for Star Trek: Discovery’, who said this about the oncoming series “For over 20 years, fans have hoped for the return of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and that day is finally here. We can’t wait to forge new ground, surprise people, and honor generations both new and old,”

Stewart also wrote a long social media post about his excitement to return the role of Enterprise Captain. He said:

“I will always be very proud to have been a part of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly felt my time with Star Trek had run its natural course. It is, therefore, an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Seeking out new life for him, when I thought that life was over. During these past years, it has been humbling to hear many stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration and leadership. I feel I’m ready to return to him for the same reason — to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working with our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected and pertinent story to life once more.”

Paramont Television

‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ is my favorite television show of all time and has brought me countless hours of joy upon rewatch after rewatch so this news is easily the best thing about 2018 that i’ve seen. There’s no word yet as if this will be a new series like ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ or will be a miniseries that continues or even concludes the story of Captain Picard. Our own Adrian Torres brought up the idea of Kurtzman adapting his own comic-cook storyline ‘Star Trek: Countdown’, a miniseries which continued The Next Generation character’s stories and folded them into the new Kelvin timeline of 2009’s ‘Star Trek’. How was that possible you ask? Black holes, paradoxes, time traveling and other Trek tropes. Whatever route they decide to take though, I’m sure it will be Engage”-ing and with Stewart serving as an Exec. Producer he will take this show and “Make it so” satisfying to watch. See what I did there?

Will this Star Trek series be a great show? or the greatest show ever? let us know in the comments and be sure to checkout our homepage and follow us on Facebook & Twitter.  Always check back with Boom Howdy for more up-to-date news, reviews & podcasts!

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