5 of the Scariest Masks in Mainstream Horror

2) Leatherface ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

leatherfaceTo our beloved Leatherface. Your mask made from the dead flesh of your victims is nauseating, disgusting, disturbing and brilliant. At the beginning of the movie we see the words that say “Based on true events.” Which make Leatherface’s mask even more terrifying. the thought of wearing another man’s actual face is stomach churning. But if a man was chasing us with a chainsaw wearing said mask, you better believe we would probably die of a heart attack before he even got close.

1) Frank the Rabbit (Donnie Darko)


I don’t think Donnie Darko ever sought out to be a scary movie but when Frank the Rabbit showed up the mood definitely changed and it became a very different movie. Frank, in his bunny suit and creepy rabbit head with horrifying big teeth was confusing and scary. Were we time traveling? Was this real life? Why in the hell is this guy here? When it’s all said and done, Frank is as unforgettable as the movie itself and that rabbit head haunts us all.

Have a favorite mask of your own? Tell us in the comment section below.

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